In celebration of National School Choice week, we quote Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn, who writes movingly of the superior performance of religious schools. “The 4,731 Catholic grade schools and 1,174 secondary schools now celebrating do a superb job educating their students – with the National Catholic Educational Association reporting 99% of their high-school students graduating on time and 85.2% going on to four-year colleges … “Where five years ago not a single state offered universal school choice, today 12 states offer it, with the NCEA reporting that 13.7% of Catholic school students are there because of a choice program. For the first time in nearly a quarter-century, Catholic school enrollment in 2023 increased slightly, to 1.7 million students. And on the menu for 2025 are school-choice proposals in Texas, Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wyoming.” McGurn notes that 21 percent of all Catholic school students are not of that faith. We would add that school choice, in addition to delivering superior performance, helps parents to exercise their First Amendment rights by allowing them to extend their values across generations. “Catholic schools aren’t the only ones who deliver: There are charter schools, home schools, private schools and countless variations of all three. But Catholic schools work, and have worked for some time. Although it isn’t fashionable to say, their success might have something to do with treating every child as created in the image of God.” Comments are closed.
December 2024