On September 17, 1787 – 234 years ago this Friday – the Founding Fathers signed the final draft of the United States Constitution. In 2002, President George W. Bush declared this day the start of the Constitution Week celebration.
At a time when basic constitutional tenets are under attack by political extremes on both sides, we are inspired to hear about renewed efforts in the American heartland to teach young Americans about our Constitution and the First Amendment. The Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University is commemorating this observance by offering teachers across the nation a concise overview of constitutional principles in a new, free book for grades 7 through 10. This Free Speech Center in Murfreesboro is also holding a Zoom discussion between its Director, Ken Paulson and Belmont University Law School Professor David L. Hudson Jr. to discuss Hudson’s new book, The Bill of Rights: The First Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Anyone joining the Zoom conversation on Sept. 14 will receive a free e-book edition of Hudson’s book. It is important to remember that while constitutional principles are under attack in academia, in state capitols, and on populist social media, such centers are educating another generation of Americans why the Constitution is vital. Comments are closed.
December 2024